
When Martha wants to be Mary

More than a decade ago I wrote an article in a church magazine, about Mary and Martha. I was, obviously, Martha.

Now though, older and wiser, (hopefully) I really want to be Mary. 

If we go listening to Jesus's stories and ministering to those who need us, spending time being, instead of doing.... who will do what we usually do?

Who will do the marketing and groceries, who will do the laundry, put food on the table, take care of the kids and elderly?

Do we outsource them to maids? How is this possible, to be Mary? I don't want to be Martha, she's tired, grumpy, resentful - like me.

In the story of the prodigal son, the brother was resentful and angry too. Are all eldest kids like this? Should we throw responsibilities to the wind and go chasing dreams? We might end up stealing from pigs, like the prodigal son did.

Yet, Mary will be remembered forever, for her devotion, for her gratefulness - but Martha just as the resentful sister.

It was the brother of the prodigal son who kept the fathers estate running, it was Martha who put food on the table - yet they're not seen very favourably at all - am I missing something?

New Wine needs New Wineskin

"No one puts new wine into old wineskins. The wine would burst the wineskins, spilling the wine, and ruining the skins. New wine needs ...