
The Great Lockdown of 2020

This year started as a disappointment.

We start most years with resolutions, and dreams... this year was started almost... disrespectfully. We joked about the year to come, Malaysia's Vision 2020 was to become a developed nation. The thing is, our country had been dragged through the mud, resources depleted, neck high in debt, widespread corruption, weakened currency and so far away from becoming a developed nation. We were in fact in a much worse position from when that vision was made, some 20-25 years ago. The only thing we had going was a democratically elected government; after 60 years.

Sadly that government too, was overthrown; and the very government we voted against; got back in power. The people were dejected, depressed and losing hope...

Then the pandemic hit. 

At first, many took it lightly, saying its just the flu and putting the blame on China making it another racial issue and not heeding warnings; thinking they were immune or that the others were overreacting. Then reports from some European countries who took it lightly, then started surfacing and boy - was it bad.

One event which had 16000 participants, from which some had the virus, started the domino effect of people falling sick, and spreading it far and wide. Within just a couple of weeks the virus went from 'under control' to a 'pandemic'.

There was a movement control order; which is unprecedented in many of our lifetimes. We didn't know how to prepare for it, what to do. Personalities stood out; the toilet roll hoarders, the panic buyers; also the ones who couldn't do so because by mid month, many had gone through their salary and had to wait for the next one.

One thing for sure, none of our Bersih Rallies got us as cleaned up as this virus. Hand sanitizers were more sought after than Louis Vuitton handbags.

So on the 18th of March 2020, barely 3 weeks after the new government made a backdoor entry, the lockdown started.

A bit of chaos in carrying out this order is expected; it's part of the experience - both the government and the pandemic were new. We couldn't have been worse prepared.

But somehow, people stood together, helping each other, giving money and meals to those whose businesses and livelihood was affected by this lockdown.

In many homes, it was a new experience to have everyone together. People talked, cooked together, ate together, played games and watched movies.

The first two weeks weren't too bad for us; as we already home schooled and as my husband worked in healthcare the lockdown didn't apply to him. However after weeks being stuck indoors, in a tiny 1000sq ft condo with not much exercise, everyone was getting a little antsy.

To say it wasn't depressing is a lie. The death toll kept rising; hospitals are saying they're operating above capacity. People in the world over were dying; we are afraid of this virus. We've never seen anything like this before.

While others got hit 2 weeks ago when the lockdown started, and some are even getting into a rhythm by now; for us it's only just hitting us as we are getting tired.

I am reminded, that we have actually been preparing for a time such as this; that this isn't a sprint, its a marathon. That the only way to keep going is to find a new routine and get into it. To refocus on the creator and see, see that what is going on around us is exactly what was said in 2 Chronicles 7:13. Verse 14 tells us what is needed to be done for this to end.

Psalm 91 promises us refuge, hope.

Faith is being confident of what we do not see.

But love is the greatest of the 3. Love doesn't point fingers.

I don't want to be likened to resounding gongs or clanging cymbals.

1 Cointhians 13:13 - And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

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